Adorable - Pond Creature Crafts!

Summer is a fantastic time to get out and explore the pond life in your backyard or at your local park. To compliment your lessons, we found some adorable pond creature crafts you don't want to miss!

Summer Pond Frog Kids Craft

For the younger crowd, try these simple hand print frogs. Your kiddos will love the feel of the green paint squishing between their fingers!

Summer Pond Firefly Kids Craft
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Another fantastic craft for little explorers are these bandage fireflies from No Time For Flash Cards! We just love the neon bandage strips against the dark background - ingenious!

Summer Pond Turtle Kids Craft
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Recycle some old bottle caps as you create these adorable turtles from Spell Outloud. They're simple and make a great addition to your collection of pond animals!

Summer Pond Duck Kids Craft
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Round out your pond life crafts with this adorable paper plate duck from Ramblings of a Crazy Woman! Once you've created all your fancy pond friends, you can even create your own pond 'habitat' using construction paper {like Jenn did!} or the sensory table!

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