All About Me

Starting off the school year with a unit that allows you to get to know each of your students, as well as, helps your students get to know each other can be a great idea. Here are some ideas to get this unit started!

All About Me Books

While these books may take a little longer to complete, they make great keepsakes. Depending upon the age of your students, there are two main options to consider when planning this project. Do I provide a worksheet template for students to fill out and paste onto a piece of construction paper, or do I encourage them to explore specific topics freehand? Simple templates can be made using word processing or other design software and may take some of the guesswork out of crafting. On the other hand, encouraging student creativity by inviting them to design their own pages can only benefit your students. Only you know the dynamic and skill level of your students so weigh the options carefully. Things you may wish to include: • Self portrait • Personal information (birthday, height, weight, eye color, hair color, fingerprints, etc.) • Family Tree • Friends • Favorite things (color, food, animal, toy, etc) • Favorite activities (my favorite game to play is _______, I like to collect _______, my favorite sport is _______, etc.) • Where I live (draw a picture of their house, practice writing address, country, etc.)

Large self-portraits made from butcher paper or cardboard can also be a hit! Check out Ms. Ale’s post on her blog Art Lessons For Kids for some great ideas!

Some Back to School Art Ideas: Self Portraits « Art Lessons For Kids

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