Cookie Sheet Literacy Activities

Literacy Preschool Printables
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Are you ready for The Cookie Sheet Challenge? Now that visions of chocolate chip and cutout cookies are dancing in your head, we hate to spoil the moment to say that the challenge doesn't involve sweets - but sweet printable activities that fit perfectly on a cookie sheet! Talk about 'ready, set, work center'!

Julie of Make, Take & Teach created the challenge to see how many cookie sheet activities she could come up with and, 41 exercises later, we think she's officially a cookie sheet guru! She graciously provides three of the fantastic activities on her blog...

  • Upper/lower case letter recognition and ordering
  • Rhyming word picture matching
  • CVC word building

...and the rest of them for $3.50 on her Teachers Pay Teachers site!

Be sure to head on over to Make, Take & Teach for these awesome worksheets and cookie sheet activity ideas!

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