Fun with Faces!

DIY Craft for Kids and Preschool Activity
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This craft/activity from Play At Home Mom is super adorable and is sure to spur some giggles in the pretend play center. A twist on the traditional face paint, provide your little ones with laminated pictures and dry erase markers/crayons, inviting them to draw away! Facial hair. Glasses. Animals. Your kiddos can let their imaginations run wild!

Activity alternative...

No time to print and laminate photos? Bring in a mirror! Students can take turns sitting in front of the mirror {perhaps placed on an easel} and using a dry erase marker to add fun costumes, props, etc. to their own face!

We absolutely love perusing Play At Home Mom! There are so many great craft and play ideas - when you head over for these project instructions, be sure to stick around and check out all the other great stuff!

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