Future Greats - President's Day Bulletin Board Idea

president's day motivational bulletin board
Photo Source: Little Giraffes Teaching Ideas

Monday is President's Day and, if you're looking for a fun activity and classroom display for the holiday, we found a great idea at Little Giraffes Teaching Ideas. It's inspirational, motivational, and really exemplifies the message of President's Day!

President's Day Early American Silhouette Portraits

Since you'll need enlarged silhouette portraits of your students, use a projector (overhead or otherwise) or a flashlight to capture and trace the subject's silhouette onto a piece of drawing or construction paper. In the spirit of President's Day and patriotism, the original creator used red paper to create the portraits, but you can certainly use another color if desired.

President's Day Bulletin Board

  • Background: Cover the top two-thirds of the board with dark blue background paper. Add a piece of brown bulletin board paper to the bottom two-thirds, trimming the top to look like mountains, hills, etc. Finally, create a small strip of "grass" at the bottom of the bulletin board using a piece of fringed green background paper.
  • Title: "Past Greats...Future Greats!"
  • Border: The original creator did not add a border, but you might consider using a President's Day, patriotic, or complimentary solid color trimmer.
  • Decoration: 1) The Landscape. Create a large winter tree cutout from brown bulletin board paper - either freehand the drawing or find a black and white clip art print online and use a projector to enlarge and trace the image. Add several snowflake cutouts and silhouettes around the tree as well as a sun in the corner to complete the landscape. 2) The Presidential Silhouettes. Find a black and white print of presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Use a projector to enlarge the print, tracing it onto black background or construction paper. Mount to the top of the board. 3) The Student Silhouettes. Use your students' crafts, mounting them under the presidential silhouettes.

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