Gluing Techniques for Beginning Gluers!

Classroom Management Preschool Printable
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Preschoolers love to be independent, but using drip glue can be a hard skill to master - specifically how much to use! Krissy over at Mrs. Miner's Kindergarten Monkey Business has graciously created and shared a series of printables that will help your new kiddos learn the proper techniques for gluing!

The first step is to teach your kiddos the 'glue song' - A Dab of Glue Will Do - where they'll learn the difference between a dab and a glob of glue as well as glue frames and corner dots. When they've learned all the specifics, put the to the test with Krissy's gluing worksheets. With the printables they'll practice creating dabs, frames, and other proper ways to use glue!

Not only is this activity fun - most preschoolers love using glue - it also ensures that your glue stock doesn't run out as quickly and offers a great activity to build on during the rest of the year!

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