Hungry Frogs - Fun Craft and Game for Leap Day!

Leap Day Frog Craft and Game for Kids
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Frogs are a natural stepping off point for Leap Day crafts and activities. Check out this cute frog themed craft and game from - not only will your kiddos have fun making it, they're sure to have a blast learning how their craft can be turned into a game!

Supplies You'll Need

[NOTE: For younger students, you might consider making a frog face template for them to trace onto card stock and cut out.]

Once the crafts are dry, consider having frog 'feeding' contests! Show students how to swing the string/pony bead up and try to catch it in their frog cup then invite them to see how many times in a row they can get it in. Keep track of the highest scores and try to beat the record!

Click here to view the suggested products for this craft! And, don't forget to visit for a tutorial of this fun project!

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