Ideas for Decorating and Organizing Your Classroom

Classroom Decoration Ideas
Photo Source: Life in First Grade

I can't believe we are already approaching the end of July!! Where has the summer gone? If it's finally starting to sink in that the beginning of the school year is right around the corner and you're in a panic thinking about getting your classroom decorated and organized, you can take a breather. There are lots of ideas around the web to provide you with excellent inspiration! We especially loved the ideas featuerd by Leslie Ann at Life in First Grade!

Leslie Ann's room is super bright and cheery and she seems to have an organized place to put everything - which we LOVE! Here are a few pictures to give you a taste of her fantastic ideas:

Idea for Decorating Your Classroom Door
Photo Source: Life in First Grade
Reader's Workshop Wall for Classroom Decoration
Photo Source: Life in First Grade
Colorful Desk for Classroom Decoration
Photo Source: Life in First Grade

For additional pictures and ideas for completing your classroom setup, be sure to head over to Life in First Grade to check it out!

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