Independence Day Odds and Ends

Searching through the archives of projects, posts, and inspiration, I realized that there were several 4th of July crafts I didn't have a chance to publish before the holiday. In case you'd like to plan ahead for next year, or use these crafts for another patriotic holiday or purpose, I decided to compile them in a short post for your perusal.

CHILDHOOD MAGIC: Star Lantern Tutorial (unfortunately this page no longer exists so we removed the link)
Feedback for this craft is usually great, although I wouldn't expect it to be a hit with young children. The directions can be somewhat tedious to follow making these star lanterns a bit more challenging, but the end product is superb for household decoration, cookout props, and much more!
Casa Camacho: Handprint Fireworks...! (unfortunately this page no longer exists so we removed the link)
If you're looking for a project that appeals to all ages, these handprint fireworks are sure to do the trick! The directions are simple, you only need five items, and the finished product looks great tacked to the wall, hung from the ceiling, or strung together to create a festive garland! Crafty 4th of July Firework Pom Poms | Make and Takes
It has become tradition to celebrate Independence Day with family gatherings, food, fireworks, and parades. This craft from Make and Takes is a great way to show some patriotic spirit and keep the little ones occupied during the festivities! Charge them with the task of being the "Fourth of July Cheer Squad" and they'll excitedly wave these firework pom poms all through the night!
allsorts: Star-spangled Pinspinners for a Stars & Stripes Party!
This pinspinner provides the perfect compliment to any Independence Day party! Use it as a centerpiece, a party gift for the kids, or a yard decoration. Not only will it provide a splash of color to the scene, it's easy to assemble so everyone can be included!

Need art supplies for these fantastic crafts? Visit MPM School Supplies for a great selection of quality products at affordable prices!

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