Introducing a Storytelling Jar in Preschool

Literacy Preschool Lesson Plan
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Here's a fabulous storytelling exercise from Melissa at Honey Bee Books ~ it's sure to boost creativity and maybe even inspire you more reluctant storytellers to weave a tale or two! Start by scripting different topics onto scraps of colorful paper {i.e. robots, at the beach, Christmas day, fireworks, etc}. Place these into a decorated jar, inviting your kiddos to take turns drawing a card and telling a story about the topic.

Variations... {To provide more of a challenge...}

  • Create three separate jars labeled "Beginning", "Middle", and "End" ~ placing topic cards in each. Have students weave a story using one card from each. This is a great way to teach your kiddos about sequencing.
  • To teach your preschoolers about the 'elements' of a story, create several jars, labeling them "Characters", "Setting", "Problem", etc. Have them draw a card from each and weave a tale using the information on the card.
However you use them, you're sure to be amazed at the ingenuity of your little storytellers!

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