Magnifying Pictures Matching Game

Science Matching Game Preschool Printable
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We love the concept of this matching game we found at Kelly's Kindergarten {via Muck Monsters}. Not only is it great for reviewing opposites, big and small, it provides a fantastic introduction to using a magnifying glass! Here's the gist of the activity...

There are two sets of cards. The first set features large images of themed objects {transportation, living things, or fruit}, while the second set contains the same prints, but on a miniature scale. The game objective - students must match the miniature pictures to their regular sized counterparts and, to do this, they'll have to use a magnifying glass. Your kiddos will feel like miniature detectives as they scan the images.

[NOTE: It would be super cute to set this up as a "mystery" of sorts - decorate the file folder to look like a case of equipment from the 'crime lab', create a reference chart of 'known specimens', and place each miniature card in a small Ziploc 'evidence bag' for students to examine and classify!]

Be sure to visit Kelly's Kindergarten for this awesome download {or take a peek at the cards for some inspiration in creating your own!}.

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