Peppermint Shaving Cream Sensory Play Activity

Peppermint Shaving Cream Christmas Sensory Play Activity

Shaving cream is fantastic for sensory play activities because it's inexpensive, doesn't take much prep work, and it's fun! To spice things up for the holidays, we thought your kiddos might appreciate a few extra sensory elements. Simply add a few drops of peppermint essential oil and a squirt of red or green washable tempera paint to shaving cream - and voila! - you have a peppermint candy inspired sensory experience that's perfect for the holidays!

Christmas Sensory Letter Writing Activity

While sensory play, in and of itself, is important - don't forget that you can combine the activity with other skills that you and your kiddos have been working on. For instance, the peppermint letters printables (shown above) would make an awesome addition to the activity. Set out with the shaving cream, students can practice identifying then forming the letters with their fingers in the shaving cream. Shapes. Addition/subtraction problems. Sight words. You name it, you'll likely be able to find a way to incorporate different types of skill practice into the activity!

If you're interested in the peppermint letters printables, you can find the original post here!

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