President's Day Activities from Kindergarten Hoppenings!

President's Day Money Math Kindergarten Printables and Kindergarten Lesson Plan
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Check out these great President's Day activities from Shannon Martin over a Kindergarten Hoppenings! She has tons of great ideas and fabulously offers the printables she created to go along with them for *FREE*! You'll have to scoot on over to Shannon's blog for the full post, but here's a sneak peek at our favorite activity...

Money Worksheets

To provide your kinders with counting/skip counting, simple addition, and money review, Shannon created a variety of money worksheets that would work great in a President's Day math center. She offers four variations...

  • counting pennies (counting by 1s)
  • counting nickles (counting by 5s)
  • counting dimes (counting by 10s)
  • counting pennies and nickles (simple addition)

If your students need a bit of help, set out coin manipulatives for them to use to count and solve the various problems.

For the {FREE} download of this activity and many more, be sure to visit Kindergarten Hoppenings!

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