Rainbow Crayon Resist Paintings

rainbow crayon resist painting
Photo Source: Quirky Momma

In the spirit of St. Patrick's Day {hope you're wearing green today!}, we thought this rainbow crayon resist craft from Rachel at the Kids Activities Blog would be the perfect project for your kiddos!

Supplies You'll Need

On craft paper, invite your child(ren) or students to create fun patterns and designs with crayons in all colors of the rainbow! With shaving cream paint {a mixture of liquid watercolor paint and shaving cream}, have students paint over their designs with the mixture. Invite them to explore different painting tools like sponges, brushes, texture wands, scrapers, etc. The result, like those at Quirky Momma, should be vibrant rainbow prints - perfect for St. Patrick's Day {or your weather unit!}.

Be sure to visit the Kids Activities Blog for more fun and creative activities your kids will love!

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