Recipe' for Success - Test Taking Skills Informational Bulletin Board Idea

Middle School and High School Informational Bulletin Board Idea
Photo Source: Mary Ann Mulroe

Here's another submission from Mary Ann Mulroe, librarian at Heritage Middle School in Illinois. If your students have state tests, college entrance exams, or even regular unit tests coming up, it's always a good time to equip them with the tools for testing success {or simply provide them with a little reminder}.

'Recipe' for Success

We love how Mary Ann used the recipe theme to describe the 'ingredients' for successful test taking...

  • Always do your best!
  • Eliminate all of the answers that you know are wrong.
  • Show your work AND double check it! It is so easy to make a silly mistake and never notice it.
  • Don't leave an answer blank! If you've given the question your best shot, and you still don't know, pick one answer and move on.
  • It never makes sense to rush through a test to finish quickly. Taking your time means winning when it comes to grades.
  • A few deep breaths will help you to focus, and get back to business.
  • Skip hard questions if you get stuck. Come back to them later.
  • Get a good night's rest. Sleep helps your mind organize information, and allows your brain to function at top speed.
  • Eat well before the test. You want your body to be ready for those tough questions.
  • Be serious, but cool at the same time. It is as important as your number 2 pencil! You’ve done the hard work of learning. Say “I can do this!” and get started.

The great thing is, you can tailor this theme to fit other aspects of the classroom...

  • Create a classroom helper board. Each student has a special part to play and each job has a specific (and important!) function, creating the "Recipe for a Well-Run Classroom"!
  • Display classroom rules and expectations. Again, each student has a special part to play when creating the "Recipe for a Successful Classroom".
  • Use the theme to keep track of student progress in various programs {Accelerated Reader, for example}. A successful learning environment is affected by the individual success of students. Display for your student the "Recipe for Reading Success" - minutes of reading practice, number of books read, percentage correct/points earned on quizzes, etc. - and recognize when students meet their goals on recipe card cutouts.

'Recipe for Success' Test Taking Tips Bulletin Board

  • Background: Royal blue bulletin board paper.
  • Title: "Recipe for Success!" - We love how Mary Ann created a recipe card cutout on which to display the title.
  • Border: Complimentary solid color or patterned trimmer.
  • Decoration: Mary Ann used word processing software to create mini posters for each test taking tip, added a colorful construction paper border, and arranged the posters around the recipe card title. She then "added a chef hat with crossed pencils (instead of knives), an apron (with abc options), and cooking utensils" to complete the testing/cooking theme. If you're working with a 2D bulletin board {and not an open display case like Mary Ann}, 3D objects would still work alright, but you could also create the cutouts using bulletin board paper.

Supplies for this bulletin board...

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