Shaving Cream Art

Ever heard of painting with shaving cream? Jen, art psychotherapist and paint cut paste blogger, has shared this fun craft that can be used for children of all ages!

Start by collecting several trays or cookie sheets. It will work best if students work in teams of two or three when completing this activity, so plan trays accordingly. Spray the tray with shaving cream, about an inch deep, and encourage your students to use their hands to spread it out. Allow each team to choose three colors to experiment with. As Jen suggests, so that the finished product doesn't turn brown or gray, encourage them to choose analogous colors (i.e. they sit next to each other on the color wheel and therefore blend well together). For the best results, Jen recommends using liquid watercolor paints. These products work well with many other projects and can be purchased at your local or web-based supply stores. Once you have squirted on their colors of choice, instruct your students to use plastic forks to swirl the paint through the shaving cream. For interesting 'marble' prints, press a piece of drawing paper onto the shaving cream at different stages of blending. Instruct your students to use recycled cardboard pieces to scrape excess shaving cream from the prints and then set them aside to dry. While messy, this activity is fully washable and provides wonderful prints for display or use in other art projects!

marbled paper | paint cut paste

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