Simple Felt Christmas Tree Ornament

Christmas Ornament Craft for Kids
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If you're looking for a simple, colorful craft center idea for the holiday season - check out this felt Christmas tree ornament from Kristina at Toddler Approved {she was featured at Hands On: As We Grow!}. For older children, setting out the felt, craft foam, and a Christmas tree template, along with the other decorative trappings, would probably be your first and last step. They'll be able to deduce what the craft is about and direct themselves - using pens or markers to trace the template onto the felt/foam, scissors to cut out the pieces, and adding the other decorations as desired.

For younger students, you may wish to complete the first several steps, providing them with pre-made cutouts and enticing them to decorate away! Chenille stems and ribbon remnants make for great Christmas tree "swag", and ornaments can be created out of a variety of craft embellishments - colorful buttons, shiny sequins, sparkly craft pom poms, vibrant gems, etc. Of course, you can't forget the glitter glue pens and puffy paint!

In addition to this fun craft, Kristina offers great extension activities that can be incorporated during the project {or in another center!}. Be sure to read her full guest post over at Hands On: As We Grow!

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