Story Characters

Hand puppets and character replicas are great ways to help students connect with stories read in the classroom. Whether they sit and play with their creations while you read, help out by recreating the story as it’s read, or simply take their crafts home, making story characters provides a physical reminder of the story and its lessons. They can also provide opportunities for further creativity if you work together to formulate new stories that center around favorite storybook characters. For example, to go along with the book “Frog & Toad Are Friends” by Arnold Lobel, have your students create a toad and frog puppet. and offer templates and instructions on how to create your own puppets out of paper bags, socks, etc. Divide your students into small groups and have each plot out their own Frog and Toad adventure. It may be helpful to discuss each character and the traits that have been observed before beginning this writing exercise. Additionally, you may want to focus your students on a specific concept like “Frog & Toad Learn To Recycle”, “Frog & Toad Meet A New Friend”, or another topic of your choosing. Once their stories have been completed, have your students use the puppets to act them out.

Paper Bag Puppets Craft - Enchanted Learning Software


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