Summer Olympics - 'Go for Gold!' Printable Board Game

Summer Olympics Board Game and Kindergarten Lesson Plan
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How amazing is this printable Olympics-themed board game from Tinyme?! Searching for fun, low-key activities to go along with the upcoming Olympic games, we stumbled upon this Candy Land-esque board game and thought it would be perfect for your kinders! Not to mention it's absolutely FREE...

Here's the gist...

Students take turns rolling the colored die, moving their game piece to the next space that is the same color as displayed on the die. If the space does not have instructions, the player's turn ends and the die is passed to the next player. However, if the space has instructions - i.e. "You sleep in and are late for practice. Go back 1.", "You kick a winning soccer goal. Go forward 3.", etc. - the player must follow the instructions then pass the die to the next player. The first player to reach the final space, wins the gold medal!

For the free download and lots of other great printable Olympics-themed activities, be sure to visit Tinyme!

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