Valentine's Day Sensory Activities

Holidays provide a great excuse to change up your classroom sensory stations. With so many fun options, your students are sure to have plenty to explore this Valentine's Day!

The Sensory Bin

Surprise your students with a change at the sensory table. We found two great ideas, one from Cara at The Picky Apple and one from Mari-Ann at Counting Coconuts.

february valentine's day sensory tub
Photo Source: The Picky Apple

Cara uses a more traditional base of dry lima beans and small crystal hearts in valentine colors - red, pink, and white. Add several plastic conversation heart containers the overhaul of your sensory table is sure to be a hit.

Valentine's Day or february sensory bin
Photo Source: Counting Coconuts

Mari-Ann takes a less traditional approach - using light pink wool as the base of her bin.

Items to add:

  • Hearts. Plastic crystals, foam cutouts, gems, beads, etc.
  • Themed erasers.
  • Pink, red, and white craft pom pons in various colors.
  • Sparkly boxes and containers.

As Mari-Ann suggests, it can be fun to provide "sets" of items at the sensory table for independent practice in grouping and classifying.

Sensory Activities

Valentine's Day Play Dough. Make homemade play dough exciting with red food coloring, glitter, and almond or chocolate extract! Students can strengthen fine motor skills by using heart shaped cookie cutters and other fun tools, get some shape practice using play dough mats, or just have some unstructured fun!

Valentine's Day or February play dough
Photo Source: Holidays Central

Sensory Bags. Let students have sensory fun with less mess! Add a bit of colored shaving cream, cool whip, vanilla pudding, light corn syrup, baby oil, etc. to a ziploc bag (add other fun elements like glitter, heart crystals, Valentine's Day confetti, etc. if you desire) and let your kiddos explore! Invite students to trace, squish, roll, twirl, and squeeze to their hearts content - no wash rag required!

Valentine's Day sensory bag activity
Photo Source: This Week at LVCC

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