Watercolor Earth Day Bulletin Board

Earth Day Elementary Bulletin Board Idea
Photo Source: www.munpl.org

In our search for new and unique bulletin board ideas for Earth Day, we ran across this print in an advertisement for the Muncie Public Library Earth Day events and thought it might make a fun classroom display! The colors are just gorgeous and we love how the original creator portrayed the important message of Earth Day. 

For the vibrant hues {and, of course, to get the beautiful blending of colors!} we would suggest simply using liquid watercolors on white bulletin board paper. While this may take a bit more artistic ability {we recommend using pencil to lightly draw the elements before adding paint}, but if you're looking for something that will 'match' the original, this will get you the closest! You might also consider mixing mediums - using liquid watercolors for the background and creating the other elements from recycled newspaper to give it a fun {and very relevant!} 'repurposed' look. A title and border are optional, but certainly not needed. We think the design is gorgeous on its own!

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