"We Can Change The World..." Inspirational Bulletin Board Idea

Back to school. Earth day. MLK Day. Every day is a great day to inspire and empower your students! While ultimately it's up to your kiddos to put words into action, reminding your students that, through their choices both big and small, they can make a difference each and every day goes a long way to setting the tone in your classroom, in your school, and in your community!

We love this bulletin board design sent in to one of our contests by a talented reader. It's super simple to put together, has a great message, and can be used at any point throughout the year!

We Can Change The World With Our Own Two Hands

  • Background: Black bulletin board paper.
  • Title: "We Can Change The World With Our Own Two Hands!"
  • Border: Complimentary colored/patterned bulletin board border.
  • Decoration: 1) The Earth. There are three ways we would suggest tackling this cutout. First, you could simply purchase a large Earth cutout. Second, you could cut a large circle from white bulletin board paper and...
    • Use blue and green art tissue paper to collage the Earth.
    • Use blue and green craft paint and a sponge to sponge paint the Earth.
    • Trace a globe/image of the Earth and use crayons or markers to color it in.
    Third, you could block off the space with a large circle cut from white bulletin board paper then have your kiddos finish the cutout by using blue and green craft paint to collage the space with their hand prints! 2) The Hand Prints. Purchase colorful hand print accents or have your kiddos trace and cut their hand prints from colored construction paper. As an extension, invite your students to write a practical idea for how they can make a difference at school/at home onto their hand print cutouts.

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