Winter Water Cycle Review - The Life Cycle of a Snowman

Photo Source: Third Grade Thinkers

Doris over at Third Grade Thinkers put together this awesome winter lesson idea - complete with free activity worksheet - that we thought would make a fun addition to your holiday/after-holiday lesson plans!

Snow Play

Armed with several buckets of snow, pipe cleaners, pebbles collected from outside, and plastic plates have your kiddos work in pairs to build mini snowmen just for fun! Then, once they've completed the activity, build a classroom snowman that you can experiment with...

Photo Source: Third Grade Thinkers

The Life Cycle of a Snowman

  • Start by noting the time the snowman is completed as well as the temperature of the classroom. Invite your students to estimate how long it will take the snowman to fully melt. Then, periodicaly make observations and record the actual time it takes for the snowman to melt!
  • Photo Source: Third Grade Thinkers
    Photo Source: Third Grade Thinkers
  • Once melted, pour the water into a measuring cup to see how much liquid there is. Then, review the concept of evaporation and have your students estimate how long it will take the 'snowman' to evaporate. Invite students to observe and record the progress each day!
Photo Source: Third Grade Thinkers
Photo Source: Third Grade Thinkers

Be sure to have your kiddos complete the snowman water cycle activity sheet that Doris created. They can record all of the snowman's stages and why they occured!

Photo Source: Third Grade Thinkers

Be sure to head over to Third Grade Thinkers to grab a copy of the worksheet and view the full activity post!

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