Thankful for God's Unbe"LEAF"able Blessings! - Thanksgiving Bulletin Board

Inspirational Thanksgiving Bulletin Board IdeaThis exercise really got my {Kayla's} kiddos into the true spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday! Since we don't have church/class next Wednesday night, Thanksgiving eve, my preschoolers and I had our Thanksgiving 'celebration' this evening and I wanted it to be special. Several days ago, I found this adorable thumbprint turkey craft over at Silly Eagle Books and just knew it was something I needed to include. Of course, I tweaked it a little bit for my preschoolers, adding a bit of pumpkin spice to the paint in order to enhance the sensory experience and, while we worked, we talked about all the things we are thankful for. Our families. Our friends. The roof over our head and warm bed to sleep in. Even chickens! My preschoolers selected one blessing they wanted to include on their newly created turkey stationary and, when dry, we added the blessing cards to our display...Thanksgiving Kids Craft and Bulletin Board Idea

Thankful for Unbe"LEAF"able Blessings!

  • Background: Light blue background paper.
  • Title: "Thankful for Unbe'LEAF'abe Blessings!"
  • Border: Thanksgiving or fall themed trimmer.
  • Decoration: Arrange your students' blessing cards around the bulletin board, labeling colorful leaves and matching them to the correct card.

*Please excuse the Earth trimmer and the wonky/blurry picture! Sometimes the best laid plans...

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